Engleza, întrebare adresată de anamaria2015, 9 ani în urmă

it is a priviledge to be able to work,to work well an be pleased with the results in 15 linii ajutor

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de daranuta1999
Work is something every citizen has to do in order to benefit our society.Everybody has the right to work,whether they have experience in a certain task or not.A common issue people face is that they're unexperienced.Which is a pretty senseless issue because,if they don't hire unexperienced employees,they will remain unexperienced thus be left with no jobs.However,if you employ unexperienced employees,with time they gain experience resulting into a prosperous society.But there's the case where unqualified employees aren't satisified with their jobs.I totally agree with the fact that they shoulden't be given jobs in which they're not qualified.It's not as if anybody could become,for say an entrepreneur.Some jobs require qualifications which you gain by hard work.Being lazy takes away your right to be unsatisfied with your job.
In conclusion,labour requires both experience and qualifications.People gain qualifications by themselves and are given experience by others,thus the cycle keeps on repeating
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