Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexiaalex40, 8 ani în urmă

IV. Fill in the blanks with mustn ’t/ needn’t/ don’t have/ haven’t got to
according to the meaning:
1) You ………… stop your car on the zebra crossing.
2) You …………. all the sandwiches if you are not hungry.
3) We …………... get up so early. The taxi will come at 8 o’clock.
4) She ………….. enter this building without permission.
5) Pupils ………. sleep during the classes.

anonima123112: mă poți ajuta la engleza
anonima123112: și pe mine

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de fata0desteapta0rau



  1. You mustn't stop your car on the zebra crossing.✔︎
  2. You needn't all the sandwiches if you are not hungry.✔︎
  3. We haven't go to get up so early.The taxi will come at 8 o' clock.✔︎
  4. She don't have enter this building without permission.✔︎

Atat am reusit sa scriu,(probabil nu e corect dar m-am cam grabit).5-ul nu am reusitsa il scriu pentru ca ai pus doar 4 verbe(cred ca asa se numesc). Dar sper ca te-am ajutat!

✌︎Spor la invatat!✌︎

alexiaalex40: Multumesc!
fata0desteapta0rau: coroană?
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