Engleza, întrebare adresată de pascaledaniel06, 8 ani în urmă

L Choose the correct answer A-D for gaps 1-10. 10p Water is the world's 1)... precious resource. People can 2)... for quite a long time without food but can only live for a few days without water. It is very important then that we take care of our rivers, lakes and streams. The problem is that while populations keep 3)... , the amount of fresh water in the world stays the same. Since 1950, water use has tripled. 4)... predict that by the year 2025, two thirds of the world's population will suffer water 5).... There is also the problem of keeping our water 6)... to drink. Many of our rivers and lakes are polluted with chemicals and industrial waste from factories. In fact, in the year 1995, 20% of people in the world did not have 7)... to safe water. Luckily, we can all take steps to protect our water supply. First of all, we should try not to waste water at home. Turning the tap off when we brush our teeth, fixing leaky pipes and taking showers instead of baths are all 8)... we can do to help. Factories can stop dumping their waste in rivers and take steps to 9)... their water use by recycling it. Farmers could 10)... 25% less water if they used new technology for watering their fields. 1. A most B best C more 2. A continue C survive D remain 3. A rising B extending C developing D progressing 4. A professionals B experts C masters D specialists 5. shortages B losses C famines D deficits 6. A certain B safe C secure D right B access C approach D availability 8. A answers C things D results 9. A slow down B reduce C restrain D measure D very B stay 7. A way B keys 10. A waste Bruin C destroy D spoil​

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Răspuns de GabiLeonte
Can you make another answer with a photo?and i will answer it
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