Engleza, întrebare adresată de crissadelina2018, 8 ani în urmă

Language focus 2
Past simple passive
1 * Complete the sentences with the past
simple passive. Add by where necessary.
1 In Ancient China windows
were made of
paper because they didn't have glass. (make)
2 Cave paintings show that leather clothing
people who lived 12,000
years ago. (wear)
3 The World Wide Web
the 1990s. (not develop)
4 The first rubber boots
France in 1853. (produce)
5 The potato came to Europe from Peru.
Spanish sailors. (bring)
6 The first lightbulb
but he got the money. (not invent)
7. The first rules of football
(write down) in Cambridge in 1848.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de potatochipsyummy

1. made of

2 was worn by

3 wasn't developed

4 were produced

5 was brought by

6 wasn't invented by

7 were written down

(am facut engleza de 10 ani deci sper ca este corect)

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