Engleza, întrebare adresată de sincara123, 9 ani în urmă

Later, the twi boys went out. They went into a shop tp buy some crisps. The woman in the shop said to Brian, Oh, your poor friend! Can he eat crisps?
Yes,of course he can,Brian said. Then he though. And why doesn't she talk to Mark ? His legs don't work properly, but he isn't stupid! He was angry for his new friend.
Brian bought the crisps and the two boys went out of the shop. Mark was very quiet.

Hey, Brian! Come nd play football. It was Timmy Croft , the star of the school team. Brian really wanted to say yes. But what about Mark ? he thought
Mark understood. It's all right. I can watch, he said. But he was soon sorry when the game started.
He wanted to play, too.
Suddenly the ball flew towards him. Mark!
Get back ! Brian screamed. But Mark didn't get back. Instead, he moved quickly towards the ball and did a very good header. Wow! said Timmy. That was great.

After that, Mark played with the kids, too. He didn't use his legs. But he played reallly well and scored a good goal. Where did you learn to do that ? Timmy asked.
Oh, a long time ago- at a special school. We played football togethere in our wheelchairs.

Later, when the game finished, Timmy said.
My school has just collected some money for a schoold for disabled kids. It's for a bus trip to the zoo. It that your school?
No, said Mark, I go to an ordinary school now .
No! Really ?

Yes, it's an ordinary school, but there are a lot of disabled kids, too.
So they put everyone togethere? Wow!
Mark was quiet. Then he said, Your schoold has done something very kind. But do you know what disabled people really want ? We want to do things with you, not with your money- things like our game of football. That was really good

Fara Google Translate . Va rog sa fie gata pana deseara de tradus daca nu pana maine .


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
Mai tarziu, cei doi baieti iesira. Au intrat intr-un magazine sa cumpere niste cartofi prajiti. Femeia de la magazin i se adresa lui Brian: “O, saracul prieten al tau! Are voie sa manance cartofi prajti”. “Da, bine-nteles” spuse Brian. Apoi se gandi: “Dar de ce nu i s-a adresat lui Mark? Picioarele lui nu ii ajuta, dar nu e tampit!” Era suparat din cauza prietenului lui cel nou. Brian cumpara cartofii si cei doi baieti iesira din magazine. Mark era foarte tacut.

“Hei, Brian! Vino sa joci fotbal”. Era Timmy Croft, celebritatea echipei scolii. Brian voia cu adevarat sa accepte. “Dar Mark ce-ar fi zis?” se gandi el. Mark a inteles. “E in regula. Pot sa ma uit” ii spuse. Dar i-a parut rau indata ce jocul incepu. Voia sa joace si el. Deodata mingea zbura spre el. “Mark! Da-te ‘napoi!” striga Brian. Dar Mark nu se dadu inapoi. Ba mai mult, se indrepta rapid spre minge si-i trase un cap. “Ooo!” exclama Timmy. “A fost grozav”

Dupa aceea si Mark juca impreuna cu copiii. Nu si-a folosit picioarele, dar a jucat bine cu adevarat si a marcat un gol frumos. “Unde ai invatat sa faci asta?” l-a intrebat Timmy. “O, cu mult timp in urma, la o scoala speciala. Jucam fotbal noi toti fiind in carucioare cu rotile.

Mai tarziu, dupa ce s-a incheiat jocul, Timmy a spus: “Scoala mea tocmai a adunat niste bani pentru o scoala de copii cu dizabilitati. Banii sunt pentru o excursie cu autocarul la gradina zoological. E vorba de scoala ta?” “Nu” a raspuns Mark. “Eu frecventez acum o scoala normal” “Ei nu! Pe bune?”

“Da, e o scoala normal, dar exista o multime de copii cu dizabilitati”. “Deci ii pun pe toti impreuna? Ooo!” Mark tacu. Apoi spuse: “Scoala ta a facut ceva foarte frumos. Dar stii ce doresc cu adevarat oamenii cu dizabilitati? Noi vrem sa facem unele chestii impreuna cu voi, nu cu banii vostri – chestii cum a fost jocul nostru de fotbal. A fost grozav”.

nechitamagdale: Doamna Geta.. ma ajutati la ultima intrebare? ? ? ? <3 Please
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