Engleza, întrebare adresată de nastea45637, 8 ani în urmă

let's talk. Example: -Pass me the cup, please. -Here you are. -Thank you. -You are welcome. Urgent​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de hellojackhd

Răspuns:Ba, ce vrei sa mai faci? Poza care o facusi arată doi copii care beau ceai, ce vrei sa primești ca răspuns, pune si cerința.


biesssss745: iti scrie clar ce vrea. ,,Lets talk!,,
Răspuns de biesssss745


-Do you want some honey in your tea?

-Yes please!

-Where is your brother? He should come and eat something before to go to school!

-I saw him this morning, he loked a bit sick, he told me he feel bad and he is staying home this day.

-I am going to see how is doing, go take your backpack and dont leave your lunch box at home again.

-I will not mom, goodbye!

-Goodbye sweetheart!

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