Engleza, întrebare adresată de raul8690, 9 ani în urmă

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battle awoke the sleeping eagles and they flew from their nests and circled about
over the heads of the fighting men, shouting noisily. «They are screaming for
Freedom>," said the patriots.
On the other hand, Benjamin Franklin wrote, in a letter to his daughter, in 1784.
"I wish that the bald eagle had not been chosen as the representative of our
country: he is a bird of bad moral character. You may have seen him sitting on
some dead tree, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the labour of the
fishing-hawk, and when that bird has taken a fish, and it's carrying it to its nest.
the bald eagle follows him and takes it from him. He is therefore by no means a
proper emblem for the brave and honest of America."
(Adapted from www.baldeagleinfo.com
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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de naevicky
Lupta a trezit vulturii ce dormeau, iar ei au zburat din cuiburile lor si s-au invartit deasupra capetelor luptatorilor, strigand zgomotos. “Ei striga pentru libertte” au spus patriotii.
Pe de alta prte, Benjamin Franklin a scris, intr-o scrisoare catre fiica sa in 1784.
Imi doreac ca vulturul sa nu fii fost ales ca reprezentant al tarii noastre: el este o pasare de moravuri usoare. Poate l ai vazut stand pe un copac mort, unde, prea lenes sa pescuiasca pentru el se uita la soimul care munceste si cand acesta prinde pestele si il duce la e in cuib vulturul il urmareste si i l ia. De aceea el nu este sub nicio forma potrivit pentru curajoasa si onesta emblema a Americii
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