Engleza, întrebare adresată de arthurstetcu, 8 ani în urmă

living in 2080 article 140 wds​

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Răspuns de dust222


My name is Anna.I live in 2080.It is really interesting.We have many other planets that scientists discovered just now. The world now,its really easy to do things,but sometimes i wonder how people could live in 2021.Im really lucky to live in 2080 right now.We also have flying cars.Most buildings are really tall.I live in a very big house.My family is really rich so we can afford a lot of stuff.Last month we even went in vacantion to another planet,it was so cool! I love it in this year. I have some photos of my grand grand parents from 2021.The world looked so different back then.I wish i could go to 2021 just for one day,to see how it is.The food here is even different.I really like this!


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