Engleza, întrebare adresată de 3epfrtkkvw, 8 ani în urmă

Look and write in your notebook. Use: Was, Were, Wasn’t or weren’t.

This is Littletown a hundred years ago. There 1) was a buther’s and there 2) … a baker’s. There 3) … a lot of small shops, but there 4) … a supermarket or a cinema. There 5) … many cars either, Littletown was very quiet!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Look and write in your notebook. Use: was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.



This is Littletown a hundred years ago. There 1) WAS a butcher’s and there 2) WAS a baker’s. There 3) WERE a lot of small shops, but there 4) WASN'T a supermarket or a cinema. There 5) WEREN'T many cars either, Littletown was very quiet!


Succes la școală și pe brainly!


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