Engleza, întrebare adresată de IonelIonBoss, 9 ani în urmă

Look at each of these questions. There is one world missing from each one. Decide what it is and where it should go.

1. What the weather like at the moment?
2.what you like doing at the weekend?
3.what your home town like?
4.what your brother look like?
5.what would you like do in weekend?
6.what's your best friend?
7.where you like to go next summer holiday?
Va rog ajutati-ma cat mai repede.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Theodora12321
1) What is the weather like at the moment?
2) What would you like doing at the weekend.
3) What is your home town like?
4) What does your brother look like?
5) What would you like to do in the weekend?
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