Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Look  at Georges"s timetable for tomorrow and  complete  the conversation that follows it ,using the Present Continuos and the word in brackest()
Tim What are you doing (you/ do) tomorrow George?
George ____________________(I/go) into the  trown centre.
Tim  What  time ________________________ (you/ /catch)the train?
George At 9 o"clock ____________________________(I/meet) Judy  at 10.
Tim:Where  _________________________(you /meet ) her?
George In the main square , and then __________________-(we/meet)Harry and .Freed  in a cafe , After that _____________________-(we/go) to the theatre to buy. some tickest , and then ____________________________(I/have ) lunch with Dave.
Tim:What____________________________--(you/DO) in the afternoon .
George :___________________________(I/help) Dave   in this shop.
Tim : When  ____________________(you/ come) home?
George :___________________________-(i/catch ) the  train back at 6.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Jmecheras
Tim :What are you doing tomorrow George?
George :i'm going into the trown centre.
Tim :What time are you catching the train?
George :At 9 o"clock i'm meeting Judy at 10.
Tim:Where are you meeting her?
George :In the main square , and then we're meeting Harry and .Fred in a cafe , After that we're going to the theatre to buy. some tickest , and then i'm having lunch with Dave.
Tim:What are you doing in the afternoon .
George :i'm helping Dave in this shop.
Tim : When are you coming home?
George :i'm catching the train back at 6.

Jmecheras: oricand
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