Engleza, întrebare adresată de Cristian1429, 8 ani în urmă

Look at the picture and make sentences using the phrases.
Use must,may or can't


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alinaniculae883


primul punct: we can't be friends.

al doilea punct:it can't rain before i got home.

al treilea punct:i must work since this morning.

al patrulea punct:it must be summer.

al cincilea punct:i must do this before i begin.

al șaselea punct:i can't feel cold its a condition

al șaptelea punct:you may collect these cloethes

al optulea punct:we must be on a holiday to eat turkey

al noelea punct:we must belong to an enviormental group it saves the world.

al zecelea punct: i must start work early.

sper că am ajutat!!

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