Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

+ Look at the pictures and write sentences following the examples:
Do you
I want
Swant to
to wear
wear this
Sorry, no, it's
Sorry, no, they're
too big. I need
too small. You
a small one.
need big ones. Repede!

Ofer coroana?​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de 111maria111

1. Do you:

Do you want to go to the party?

2. I want:

I want to learn more things!

3.To wear:

Can I wear this dress?


Look at these! These are my old things from my high school

5.Sorry, no its:

Sorry,no its closed!

6.Sorry,no they're too big:

Mom,Can I get those boots?

Sorry,no they're too big.

7.Need big ones:

This are so small,I need big ones.


Utilizator anonim: ce poza
111maria111: coroana?
Utilizator anonim: ok
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