Engleza, întrebare adresată de istetul20, 9 ani în urmă

Look at the pictures below and choose two related cues to make statements about them .Use the present perfect with just and yet .
iron , dry her hair , get dressed , read, write a letter, wake up , make a pizza , put it in the oven , post , collect his fan mail , wash the clothes, have a shower

acestea de mai jos sunt imaginile 
prima imagine un baiat ce sa trezit
a doua imagine o fata ce pune in cuptor o pizza
a treia imagine un baiat cu un plic si la fereastra cutia cu plicuri
a patra imagineo fata ce sia facut dus
a cincea imagine o femeie care a calcat
a sasea un baiat care a primi mesaje

istetul20: va rog ajutatima
istetul20: mai ai emilia
istetul20: ??????
emiliabartic: Da
istetul20: ok 

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
1. He has just woke up but he hasn't got dressed yet.
2. She has just made a pizza but she hasn't put it in the oven yet.
3. He has just written a letter but he hasn't posted it yet.
4. She has just had a shower but she hasn't dried her hair yet.
5. She has just ironed her clothes but she hasn't washed the clothes yet.
6. He has just collected his fan mail but he hasn't read it yet. 

istetul20: multumesc
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