Engleza, întrebare adresată de LoreRal, 9 ani în urmă

Look at the pictures of Kate's brother and sister.Say what they've been doing since Kate began looking after them this evening.Use the prompts to make sentences.  Acestea sunt propozitiile: a) Turn the TV/video on/off all evening. b) Ude Dad's camera/take lots of photos. c) Play Kate's cassette recorder really loudly. d) Pull the  vacuum cleaner up/down the stairs. e)Run backwards and forwards to the fridge non-stop. f) Make pancakes for the last two hours. Nu stiu ce trebuie sa fac!!!! :/

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Rall
Trebuie sa formezi propozitii cu ce iti da la punctele acelea ( a ; b; c etc.) ajutandu-te de imaginile din manual. Probabil daca este la o lectie cu un timp al verbelor trebuie sa folosesti acel timp.Cum ar fi :
Present perf. simple
Past simple
Past continuous 

de ex. cu Present Perfect Simple :
a) They have turned the TV/video on and off al evening.
b) They have used Dad's camera to take lots of photos.
c) They have played Kate's cassette recorder really loudly.
d) They have pulled the vacuum cleaner up and down the stairs.
e) They have run backwards and forwards to the fridge non-stop
f) They have made pancakes for the last two hours.

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