Engleza, întrebare adresată de tinatoplicianu, 8 ani în urmă

Look at the rules in the box below,
Match each rule with two sentences from exercise 1.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de laraandreeaa



2. Look at the rules in the box below. Match each rule with two sentences from exercise 1.

  • A. We use the present simple when we are talking about permanent situations. Example: 2. The mountains in Peru are over 4000 meters high. / 9. The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
  • B. We use the present simple when we are talking about habits. Example: 1. About 1000 people visit Machu Picchu every day. / 6. Do people drop litter in you street?
  • C. We use the present simple when we are using 'state' verbs. Example: 3. I don't understand why people like camping. / 8. I think the sea is too dirty to swim in.
  • D. We use the present continuous when we are talking about temporary situations. Example: 4. We are spending three days camping in the mountains next week. / 7. She is studying microbiology at University at the moment.
  • E. We use the present continuous when we are talking about changing or developing situations. Example: 5. The paths are becoming worn away by tourists. / 10. The number of tourists is increasing fast.


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