Engleza, întrebare adresată de varnadvladimir, 8 ani în urmă

Look at Your summer vacation below. What are the questions? Add other words if necessary.
​Exemplu Where / go ?
Where did you go in summer?


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de squalicorax

2. when did you go to Wendy's?

3. Whom did you go with at the movies?

4. How did you travel? By foot or by car?

5. How did you enjoy your summer vacation?

6. What is miss ana doing?

Răspuns de Erica209


1.Where did you go?

2.When did you go?

3.With who did you go?

4.How did you travel?

5.Did you enjoy your summer vacation?

6.What did you miss doing?


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