Engleza, întrebare adresată de MFM, 9 ani în urmă

Ajutați-mă cu tema la Engleză :))
Rewrite the sentences using an adjective and the correct preposition.Make sure each sentence in a pair means the same.
EXAMPLE:1.Hernan is good at tennis/playing tennis.

1.Hernan plays tennis very well.
2.She finds visits to the dentist very frightening.
3.I found the story quite amusing.
4.I like Hannah.
5.What do you find most worrying?
6.My teacher finds rudeness shocking.
7.I really don't like playing basketball.
8.There's a lot of interest in the drama club in our school.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Rewrite the sentences using an adjective and the correct preposition. Make sure each sentence in a pair means the same.

Rescrieți enunțurile folosind un adjectiv urmat de prepoziția corectă. Asigurați-vă că fiecare enunț are același sens cu perechea lui.



1. Hernan plays tennis very well.

Hernan is good at tennis/playing tennis.

  • Hernan e bun la tenis.

2. She finds visits to the dentist very frightening.

She is very frightened of visiting the denist.

  • Ea e foarte speriată de vizitele la dentist.

3. I found the story quite amusing.

I am quite amused by the story.

  • Eu sunt destul de amuzat de poveste.

4. I like Hannah.

I am fond of Hannah.

  • Îmi este dragă Hannah.

5. What do you find most worrying?

What are you most worried about?

  • Pentru ce îți faci tu griji cel mai mult?

6. My teacher finds rudeness shocking.

My teacher is shoked at rudeness.

  • Profesoara mea este contrariată de impolitețe.

7. I really don't like playing basketball.

I'm not really keen on playing basketball.

  • Chiar nu-mi place să joc baschet.

8. There's a lot of interest in the drama club in our school.

Many pupils in our school are interested in the drama club.

  • Mulți elevi din școala noastră sunt interesați de clubul de teatru.
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