Engleza, întrebare adresată de Rox7, 9 ani în urmă

M-ati putea ajuta la ex urmator? Nu stiu cum ar trebui facut. Mi-ati putea explica?

3. Write the Present Perfect Continuous of Present Perfect Simple:

a. They .......... (learn) for hours as they will have an exam.
b. She ........... (never\fly) by a plane.
c. We ........... (cook) for three hours.
d. She .......... (not/do) her homework but she .......... (practise) the piano since six o'clock.
e. We .......... (wait) for the bus since three o'clock, but it .......... (come) yet.
f. Father ........ (paint) the fence for half an hour.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
a. They .HAVE BEEN LEARNING......... (learn) for hours as they will have an exam.
b. She ..HAS NEVER FLIED......... (never\fly) by a plane.
c. We ...HAVE BEEN COOKING........ (cook) for three hours.
d. She ....HASN'T DONE...... (not/do) her homework but she ....HAS BEEN PRACTISING...... (practise) the piano since six o'clock.
e. We ..HAVE BEEN WAITING........ (wait) for the bus since three o'clock, but it ..HASN'T COME........ (come) yet.
f. Father ..HAS PAINTED...... (paint) the fence for half an hour
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