Engleza, întrebare adresată de Vgynga, 9 ani în urmă

Ma ajuta cineva cu un eseu la tema(art is the right hand of nature)sau(art is long but life is short)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AMD
Art is long but life is short. 

I believe that nothing is more important in life than art. Art remains when everything else is forgotten. 
First of all, we have to consider what art really means. Art is considered as a way of stating one's inner thoughts, desires or wishes which could be reflected in some kind of drawings, paintings or clothing. 
Secondly, that are times when I have tones of problems but when I see a painting by Picasso i forget everything. I simple relax myself and try to focus my mind on a solution to this problem. 
To sum up, the art remains even if the person who made it has gone, and some of our youngsters don't even know who Picasso was , but maybe they will encounter one of his paintings in their life, even if he lived hundred of years ago. 

Răspuns de marymovileanu
Mă voi baza pe a doua variantă.
In my opinion, I think that ''Art is long but life is short''  is a very true proverb.But why? Why is art longer then a life?
Well,firstly, how old is art? We don't even know. Maybe since thousands of years. And, how old are we? Some of us are old, some are young. But no one is as old as art is.
Secondly, we don't know when we'll die. But we surely know that art will never die. Art may be like a person, a person that never dies. Everyday it grows up, gets bigger and older, and changes by time.
In conclusion , art went through a lot of changes, art grew up. But we know that it will last forever.

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