Engleza, întrebare adresată de ixiuliana, 8 ani în urmă

Ma ajuta cineva la tema va rog?dau 25 de puncte
circle the correct item.
There’s a packet/bag of biscuits in the
You should have some fresh fruit juice instead
of a tin/can of cola

Match the columns to form collocations
whole break
huge game
final grains
mineral impact
permission water
commercial slip

Choose the correct item.
Suzy has got a bad ….. in her ear. She needs
to see a doctor.
A injury B syndrome C pain

The head ….. watched his team win the game
from the side of the pitch.
A viewer B fan C coach

Your brain is the most important ….. in your
body. It controls everything.
A sense B organ C bone

Complete the second sentence with the correct modal verb.
You aren’t allowed to use the gym today.
You …………………. use the gym today

Read the texts and choose the correct option (A-D):
A)Rules for Safe Cycling:
You must wear a helmet that fits.
You mustn't wear loose clothing or headphones.
You should wear light clothing so that drivers can see you.
You must use hand signals on the road.
You should always check the tyres, chain and brakes on your
bicycle before cycling
B)mostly carbohydrates from
fruit and vegetables
whole grains like bread and pasta some protein from meat, eggs and dairy products
nuts and beans
a little bit of fat and sugar from oils and butter sweets and desserts
These foods will keep your body fit and healthy!
C)Where: Woodbury School
Dates: 6th to 10th July, 9 am to 3 pm daily
Please note: The cost is £5 per day and includes lunch!
D)With the help of our new coach, Mr Hill, the football
team is off to a fantastic start this year. Yesterday,they won the first match of the
year against Martindale High.But The captain of the team, Andrew Reading,
scored two goals in the first half. Unfortunately, he fell hard in the second half and had to sit on the sidelines.as his team scored the third and final goal winning the
game 3-0.
According to the notice, cyclists
A shouldn’t listen to music while cycling.
B shouldn’t wear tight fitting clothes.
C are advised to wear a bright helmet.

According to the leaflet,
A we shouldn’t eat sweets and desserts.
B protein is the most important part of our diet.
C we should eat more carbohydrates than proteins

Parents need to
A go to the school to sign up.
B contact the school by telephone.
C provide lunch for their children.

In the football match, the Munroe school team
A started the game with a new captain.
B didn’t let the other team score any goals.
C did badly after the captain got hurt

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de reeve


1. packet

2. can

3. whole - grains

huge - impact

final - game

mineral - water

permission - slip

commercial - break

4. a) C pain

b) C coach

c) B organ

5.  must not

6.  A) B shouldn’t wear tight fitting clothes

B)  C we should eat more carbohydrates than proteins

C) C provide lunch for their children

D) B didn’t let the other team score any goals

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