Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandrumustata10, 8 ani în urmă

ma ajutati si pe mine acomentez fraza "learning never exhajsting the mind" Da vinci in englez va rog si in maxim 10-15 randuri... va rog frumosss...

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ancasin
The quote "learning never exhausts the mind" *cred ca asa ai vrut sa scrii, ca asa e corect* refers to the fact that studying, reading, learning or feeding our brain with information is never too much. We as creatures are curious and on a never ending quest to find out the misteries that the world around us has for us. Learning got us to where we are today, without knowledge the society we live in today would never be possible. Ever since we are born, the one thing we all have in common is the hunger for learning, the urge to know and to discover. We need to learn in order to survive and to keep our mind busy with information.

alexandrumustata10: mulțumesc mult!! Ai dreptate❤️
ancasin: cu plăcere, sper ca te ajuta ❤️
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