Engleza, întrebare adresată de brainly400, 8 ani în urmă

Ma ajutati va rog??
Dau coroana​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de EnglishPro


Hey fellow readers. Do you want to learn how to make a blog like I am right now? Its quite easy actually. So first of all you will want to open a blog page. You can use Google to search for a site where you could write a blog.

Second of all you need to find a good topic to talk about since readers are going to be more interested in cool topics like cars or animals.

The final step is to have fun because if you dont have fun while writing a blog nothing is going to work.


Heeei! Sper ca te am ajutat. Succes la teme!



brainly400: Mersii
EnglishPro: cu mare placere! Sa stii ca nu am nevoie de coroana. Eu ajut pe toata lumea si nu cer nimic in schimb. Succes la teme si la scoala!!
brainly400: Mersi mult!! Oricum o sa ti.o dau))
EnglishPro: <3
brainly400: <3
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