Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MitracheStefanIoan


He read an interesting book last month.

I looked for my keys but I didn't find them.

I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat anything.

Did you speak to Fred yesterday?

Did you ring the bell?

I didn't hear anything.

What did they have?

How many books did you buy?

He opened his present on Christmas morning.

I washed my clothes on Sunday afternoon.

Răspuns de hamster666

2. He read an interesting book last month. 3. I looked for my keys but I didn't found them. 4. I wasn't hungry so I didn't ate anything. 5. Did you speak to Fred yesterday? 6. Did you ring the bell? Yes, but nobody answered. 7. What was that noise? I didn't hear anything. 8. What did they had for breakfast? Bacon and eggs. 9. How many books did you bought? Only one. 10. He opened his preasents on Christmas morning. 11. I washed my clothes on Sunday afternoon.

MitracheStefanIoan: did you buy, nu did you bought.
MitracheStefanIoan: cand se foloseste do nu se mai pune verbul la timpul trecut
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