Engleza, întrebare adresată de logare223, 9 ani în urmă

mă asculta mâine la engleză

va rog să mă învățați

present simple
present cotinue

va rog

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mih2007
Present tense simple arata ca actiunea este prezenta, obijnuita si repetata. Adverbele de recunoastere ale acestui timp: every +day, week, month, year , monthly, weekly, yearly,etc. Af. Sb+ vb( prezent)/-s/es( pers a 3 a sg.he/she/it)..... I go to school every morning. He goes to school every morning. Int. Do(I/you/we/they)/does( he/she/it)+vb present? Do I go to school? Does he go to school? Neg. sb+do+not/does +not+ vb prezent I don't go to school. He doesn't go to school. Present continue tense arata o actiune care se desfasoara in momentul vorbirii, adica acum, in acest moment. Cuvinte de recunoastere Now, At this moment, at present. Af. Sb + to be ( prezent)+ vb-ing I am /you are/he,she,it is/ we are/you are/they are. I am going to school now. He is going to school now. Int. To be (prezent)+ sb+vb-ing? Am I going to school now? Is he going to school now? Neg. sb+ to be+ not+vb-ing I m not going to school now. He is not going to school now. Succes!
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