Engleza, întrebare adresată de Natalia654, 8 ani în urmă

Mă poate ajuta cineva?


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de 102533

1 When Mr Taylor retires, he will have been working in the same office for forty years.

2 At the end of secondary school we will have been studying English for eight years.

3 When you get home it will be confortable and warm. A good fire will have been burning all day.

4 At the end of this year I will have been living in this house for fifteen years.

5 Mrs Plumb will be very tired when her husband comes back home. She will have been cooking all day.

6 By the end of next week they will have been repairing this road for two months.

7 By the time I am fifty, I will have been teaching for twenty-seven years.

8 By lunch time we will have been walking for five hours.

9 Mr Miller will have been driving for two hours by the time he reaches Pitesti.

10 On May Day, Sandra will have been working on her graduation project for two months.

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