ma poate ajuta cineva?

Răspunsuri la întrebare
O sa scriu doar cu un singur argument.
1. It depends, if you work in an office, of course that's common knowledge, even in libraries, schools etc. So yes I do think having a computer in a workplace.
2. - nu am putut raspunde -
3. Working too much may "overheat" your brain so no, working too much is not good for you especially when you are younger.
4. Yes because if you have a job that requires you to do too many stressful things but PAYS good, I don't think you should take it, but if you have a job that requires you to do the thing that you love yes go on, take it.
5. A good boss is hard to define, for others a boss that is way to chill is a good boss but he doesn't make you work that much, for others a boss that is strict and gives you 1 chance instead of thousands makes him a good boss for them. Depends on the job you take of course.