Limba română, întrebare adresată de florentina674, 8 ani în urmă

ma poate ajuta cineva am nevoie pana maine !!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de zenitt

1. John can't stand being spoken to like that by his son.

2. He was punished for his crimes.

3. As I was getting my hair done the hairdryer blew up.

4. The letters are sorted by a machine.

5. The police have arrested the thieves.

6. These letters must be typed urgently.

7. She was prohibited from using the fax machine.

8. The news items are being selected by the editor now.

9. He is said to have left the country.

10. When was the crime discovered by the police ?

sper ca te-am ajutat !:)

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