Engleza, întrebare adresată de anonimanonim183, 8 ani în urmă

ma poate ajuta cineva care se pricepe la engleza?
e urgent.
va rog fără seen!
multumesc anticipat!​


mneagutm: imi dai coronita plz
mneagutm: te rog???

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mneagutm


There's some milk in that jug.

She wanted some stamps, but there weren't any in the machine.

I'm afraid there isn't any coffee left; will you grind some?

Is there anyone here who speaks Italian?

I'd like to buy some new clothes but I haven't got some money.

There's some gin on the cupboard, but there aren't any glasses.

They can't have any more strawberries.

Have you any idea who could have borrowed your bicycle?


Sper ca te-am ajutat:)

anonimanonim183: te intreb
mneagutm: asculta
mneagutm: spune mersi
anonimanonim183: mersi oricum
mneagutm: cupla
mneagutm: zi faina pa
mneagutm: sa imi dai coronita te rog
anonimanonim183: cum dau?
mneagutm: da mai asteapta sa raspunda cineva si dupa o sa poti da
mneagutm: coronita
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