Mă poate ajuta cineva cu acest exercițiu?
Dau coroană

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Introducere->My dear penfriend,
My English classes tend to be really fun and captivating ,the teacher keeps us entertained and also knows how to structure and present the lessons to be interesting.
One day the teacher came to class and instead of the boring way most teacher present our lessons and such ,our teacher came up with a powerpoint presentation of the lesson and at the end of class he made us play a game to see who payed attention to the lesson and rewarded those who did so.
Thank you kindly for asking about my English classes because now ,by writing this letter to you I could relieve some of the moments I do in class ,and I realized how much more I enjoyed it .
Thanks ,and best wishes.
Your dear penfriend
Explicație: Raspunsul este structura pe introducere ,rimul paragraf care functioneaza ca o introducere ,apoi am explicat si am oferit detalii specifice iar in ultimul paragraf am spus motivul pentru care am scris aceasta scrisoare si i-am multumit cititorului pentru ca a intrebat si pentru ca citeste scrisoarea.