Engleza, întrebare adresată de diamondsky7652, 8 ani în urmă

Mă poate ajuta cineva cu acest exercițiu?
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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alexadurdunescu


My best friend's name is Monica. I met her in a sunny day when I wanted to drink a cup of coffee at the local cafeteria, which makes the most delicious coffee. She was standing at the table, alone and she was the only one who wasn't talking to anyone, so I decided to ask her if I could sit down. At first, she was surprised, but then, after starting to chat, she realized we had a lot of things in common: we read the same type of books, we listened to the same type of music. From that moment on, I knew we were going to be friends and fortunately this hasn't changed until today.


Este vorba despre cum ai intalnit-o pe Monica la cafeneaua care face o cafea absolut incredibila. Ea statea singura si tu te-ai asezat langa ea si ati inceput sa vorbiti. Ti-ai dat seama ca aveti multe lucruri in comun si ai stiut ca veti fi prietene, lucru care de altfel, este valabil si in ziua de astazi.

Sper ca te-a ajutat.

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