Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandrasima2008, 8 ani în urmă

Ma poate ajuta cineva cu o continuare a acestui text pls:
Carl got up early again. He sat down at his desk. What a mess! He looked for his glasses but he couldn't find them. He pushed some papers and they fell on the floor. His glasses were under the papers. He put them on and turned up the music. He tried to work but he was tired. He took off his glasses, threw them on the desk and went to sleep.

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Răspuns de zambirici97

After 5 minutes,his mother came into his room,and told him to do his homework.He set down on his desk again,but his time he was able to understand the homework.The only problem was that his glasses broke when he threw them,so he took his mothers glasses.He did his homework,went to school,and got an A+

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