Engleza, întrebare adresată de Ioanamariabuburuza, 8 ani în urmă

Mă poate ajuta cineva cu rezolvarea corectă? Vă rog !!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de owllia

1. She's always complaining about dirty footprints on the floor.

2. I've had invitations to three weddings this year.

3. He was unlucky with his business and is in debt to the bank.

4. Those new shoes didn't fit so I took them back and got a refund.

5. I'd like a new car but I can't afford one at the moment.

6. I spend most of my money on buying CDs.

7. I don't believe in saving your money. I think you should spend it.

8. Where's the nearest cashpoint? I need to take some money out before we go.

9. I'm getting worried about Billy because he isn't home yet.

10. You should always keep receipts for things you buy.

Ioanamariabuburuza: Mulțumesc frumos !! Acum nu îmi apare să îți dau coroană dar cand apare îți voi da.
owllia: cpl :*
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