Engleza, întrebare adresată de madarici13, 9 ani în urmă

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"Sunt absolut dezamagita de filmele din seria Harry Potter. Toate cele 7 carti m-au impresionat si m-au facut sa le incadrez in topul cartilor mele preferate.In schimb, primul film''Harry potter si piatra filozofala", nu merita mai mult de 3/5 stele.
Regizorii au taiat prea multe secvente care mie imi placeau foarte mult si pe care doream sa le vad in film. Nu este prezentata viata lui Harry la familia Dursly si nici unele parti in care cei 3 prieteni trebuie sa scape de Norbert.
Ceea ce am vazut in film nu se potriveste cu ce mi-am imaginat. Totul e diferit fata de ce ma asteptam eu sa vizionez.
In schimb, filmul este bun pentru ca detaliaza scenele cele mai importante, pe care nu mi le-am putut imagina atat de bine atunci cand citeam cartea. As fi preferat totusi daca ar fi avut o claritate mai buna. Personajele au jucat excelent. Draco este extrem de frumos. M-am uitat pana la finalul fimului pentru a-l vedea pe el. Chiar daca nu a avutt un rol principal, consider ca s-a descurcat cel mai bine.
Cu toate acestea, n-as vrea sa mai vad si restul filmelor. Prefer sa raman cu impresia placuta pe care mi-au lasat-o cartile. Clar, cartile sunt mai bune decat filmele "

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de 1vulpita1

"I'm absolutely disappointed with the Harry Potter series. All seven cards have impressed me and made them the top of my favorite books." The first film "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is not worth more than 3/5 stars The directors have cut too many sequences that I really enjoyed and I wanted to see in the movie. There is no introduction to Harry's life in the Dursly family, nor to some parts where the three friends must get rid of Norbert What I've seen in the movie does not match what I've imagined, the batch is different from what I expected to watch, but the movie is good because it details the most important scenes that I have not could have been so good when I was reading the book But I would have preferred it if it had a better clarity The characters played really well Draco is extremely beautiful I looked until the end of my life to see him. did not take a lead role for m you're fine. However, I would not want to see more the rest of the movies. I prefer to stay with the pleasant impression my books have left. Clearly, books are better than "

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Răspuns de Outstanding

Hi there!

                        "I am absolutely disappointed with the Harry Potter series. All 7 books impressed me and made them the top of my favorite books. Instead, the first film '' Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone '' is not worth more than 3/5 stars.The directors cut too many sequences that I really liked and wanted to see in the movie.Harry's life is not shown at the Dursly family, nor are some parts where the three friends have to get rid of Norbert.What I saw in the movie does not match with what I imagined.Everything is different from what I expected to watch.Instead, the movie is good for detailing the most important scenes that I could not imagine so well when reading the book.I would have preferred though, it had better clarity. The characters acted greatly. Draco is extremely handsome. I watched the movie until the end just  to see him.Even if he did not have a leading role, I think he was the best.However, I would not want to see the rest of the movies. I prefer to stay with the pleasant impression the books left me . Clearly, books are better than movies"

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