Engleza, întrebare adresată de MihMihai, 9 ani în urmă

Ma poate ajuta cineva cu un eseu argumentativ cu titlul "Don't judge a book by its cover"? Nu trebuie sa fie lung, dar trebuie sa aiba doua argumente.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
Don't judge a book by its cover.
I like to read books. My favorite book is ''Woman in White'' by Wilkie Collins. This book has a simple cover, but a very beautiful content. When I saw the book the first time in the library, I thought that it is a not very interesting book, because its cover was simple, and without any drawings. But now, when I have already read the book I understant that aI was wrong. Even if the cover is not beautiful, it does not mean that the book is not interesting.
When the author is writing the book, he or she does not think about what cover the edition will make for it. So, the book can be interesting, but the cover not so.

Răspuns de Iulica1
"Dont't judge a book by its cover" is like don't judging someone by the clothes they wear, but this phrase is available on many situations in our lives.
When  someone wants to buy a book or just to read it, the first thing that they notice is the cover of that book.For some people, if the book has a  plain cover, with a simple title, it will make it less attractive to buy, even if that book is the most important or the most useful comparing to a book having a cover created in a special manner, with a special design, special type of writing or other things.The quality of a book can be known only after reading it.
It is also known that books covers are made by some publishing firms and not by its authors. So, if you know the style of a specific author, you will not even look at the cover, you will buy it just by knowing that its content is enough interesting for you.The conclusion is that only by looking at the less obvious features, we can know what is truly the most important of a book, person or idea.
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