Engleza, întrebare adresată de mardaifabian4, 8 ani în urmă

mă poate ajuta cineva cu un eseu la engleza cum va fii peste 50 de ani

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mishah

In 50 years the world will be changed a ton , if , and only if the human population will survive until then . nothing is for sure and that is a well known thing .

First of all , such things as books and notebooks will probably be taken over by ebooks and other electronics . it would be much better for the world anyways , stopping the deforestation will be a good thing . Schools are gonna change as well , or so I hope at least . The kids won't get as much homework and all of their lessons will be taught on digital tablets . sure it might sound like a bad thing to some - especially older people right now - but depending on the internet will probably be one of the biggest things in the future , which is good because we need to use the stuff we made .

maybe we'll have flying cars ? who knows , everybody said it'll happen once , but it still hasn't maybe sometime in the future it'll become an actual thing.

humans will also change a lot in anatomy and everything , but let's not get into depth on this topic right now .

I believe that the future will hold new , interesting but also fearsome expectations , again ,only if we live to see 2071.

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