Engleza, întrebare adresată de DenisaV1, 8 ani în urmă

Ma poate ajuta cineva..? Dau coroana :)


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de xaroulis
2.althought the world can produce enogh food althought, millinos ........................
3.in order to get vitamins children should eat  fresh food as much as possible in order to get vitamins 
4.so that nobody notice that i wasn't eating i talked a lot at dinner so that nobody notice that i wasn't eating
5.however, an adult from ..................................
6 he didn't eat  ....... in order to fit into his
Răspuns de Stropinel
Altough the world can produce enough food, millions of people die of hungerIn order to get lots of vitamins, children should eat as much fresh food as possibleI talked a lot at dinner so that nobody would notice I wasn't eatingAn adult from the US has a calorie intake of 2500-3000 a day, however, in Africa, there are people who only get 300 a day.Although I weighed only 39 kilos, I called myself fatHe didn't eat anything for three days in order to fit into his jeans

xaroulis: cuvantul however e cu litera mare deci trebuie pus la inceputul frazei
xaroulis: cel putin asa cred.....,..
Stropinel: atunci e asa, An adult from the US has a calorie intake of 2500-3000 a day. However, in Africa, there are people who only get 300 a day.
xaroulis: sper ca nu te-a deranjat ce am spus!!!!!!!!!
DenisaV1: Nu! :)) mulțumesc mult! :)
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