Engleza, întrebare adresată de cristinagramada63, 7 ani în urmă

Mă poate ajuta cineva la acest exercițiu? Vă rog mult dau coroană!​


sethebloodfree: buna! care sunt cuvintele de mai sus?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de imoctavianreal

Am găsit fișa online și răspunsurile sunt:

Use the above words to complete the senteces. Change the forms of verbs and nouns when necessary:

1. More that eight billion prople live on earth.

2. I go online and use Facebook everyday.

3. The police are looking for that man. He is a criminal.

4. I don't like to talk on the phone. I like to talk to people face to face.

5. I don't trust this email. I think it's a scam.

6. Thomas couldn't finish his homework. His computer couldn't stay connected.

7. Don't be late for work or your boss might get you fired.

8. It is common nowadays for people to have a cell phone.

Choose any two of the above words and write your own senteces:

1. I usually go online playing chess on chess.com.

2. I saw that criminal outside.

ImOctavianReal, Engleza

cristinagramada63: Multumesc mult
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