Engleza, întrebare adresată de ghiorgeflorina, 8 ani în urmă

Ma poate ajuta cineva ?? Va rog​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nasteatataru11


  1. I definitely would tell him what his sister said. He wouldn't get disappointed.
  2. What would you like to do after college? I would love to be a teacher.
  3. She's had cosmetic surgery! What would she do to become an actress!
  4. Sarah said that she would be late.
  5. I asked him if I could borrow his car, but he wouldn't leat it to me.
  6. Would you like a coffee?
  7. I I would have come if it wasn't for you.
  8. I would like to speak English fluently.
  9. if I won the lottery I would buy a new house.
  10. I asked her to stop arguing, but she wouldn't listen.
  11. Would you bring me a glass of water please?
  12. I would like to work as a secretary.

Sper că te-am ajutat!

ghiorgeflorina: multumesc mult!
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