Engleza, întrebare adresată de Karla2043, 8 ani în urmă

Ma poate ajuta cineva va rog cu acest exercitiu? ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andreea28378


1) I enjoy living in Spain but I do miss going out with my friends.

2) We agreed meeting by the river at 8 o'clock, but they never showed up.

3) Frank faild completing the course and so he will have to retake it

I suggested going to the cinema, but 4)Helen said she didn't fancy waiting in a queue

5) I can't really afford buying a car this year

6) Martha practised playing the piano daily, but she seemed making little progress

7) Much as I dread going to the dentist, I don't think I can avoide visiting him this time

8) She certainly mentioned seeing Mark, but I don't remember her talking about Vicky

Sper ca te-am ajutat!!

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