Engleza, întrebare adresată de denisacristinaozf0ha, 8 ani în urmă

MA POATE AJUTA CINEVA, VA ROG? Dau coroana pentru răspunsul corect!!! Mulțumesc!!!


nicolas6627: 2) sam was surprised by his sudden promotion
nicolas6627: 3) i'll phone you soon when i get there
nicolas6627: 4) he apologized for behaving so rudely
nicolas6627: 6)i will lend you the money under one condition, pay me back
nicolas6627: la 5 nu stiu

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de miha277777


Sam is aback about his sudden promotion.

I will phone you as soon I will get there.

He apologized because he had behaved so rudely.

He walked to the bus stop.

I will lend you the money with the condition to pay me back.

denisacristinaozf0ha: Mulțumesc!
miha277777: Cu plăcere.
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