Engleza, întrebare adresată de mateibudusan, 8 ani în urmă

ma poate ajuta cineva va rog dau coroana si follow​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gofi84

1. How long have you worked in this departament?

2. I've worked here since last month.

3. Our boss, Mr. Smith, has been the CEO for the last three years.

4. She hasn't been with us long. She joined the company last week.

5. Have you had that computer for a long time?

6. Yes, I have had that computer for two years now.

7. How long have you known your boyfriend?

8. I've known him since high school.

9. How long has he lived in this country?

10. He has lived here since 2008.


1. I have worked here for a long time.

2. He has been my teacher for three years.

3. I have had my car for seven months.

4. I haven't known him for a long time. We have met last week.

5. They have just broken the window with the football.

mateibudusan: La la al doilea ex nu poti sa ma ajuți te rog
mateibudusan: pls
mateibudusan: poti te rog sa ma ajuți la punctul 2
mateibudusan: te rog frumos
gofi84: l-am adaugat
mateibudusan: Ca nu stiu sa il rezolv
mateibudusan: multumesc mult
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