Engleza, întrebare adresată de mariaporumb, 8 ani în urmă

ma poate ajuta cineva ,va rog
exercițiul 7​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de maracini8


1.It is no secret that working out three times a week will definetly help losing weight and will help you to keep fit

2.An obvious way would be planting more trees so that there will be more oxygen and fewer floods

3.For example organising clean up days at least once a week


Răspuns de Toxicologist
B.working out three times a week definetely help you lose weight and keep you fit.
You can follow a healthy diet by stopping eating junk food.

C)Using environmentally-friendly products can help reducing water pollution.
We can plant more trees so that there will be more oxygen and fewer floods.

D)Putting up signs to inform public that they litter and they will be fined.
Organising clean-up days once a week.
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