Engleza, întrebare adresată de tutorialesijocuri88, 8 ani în urmă

Ma poate ajuta cineva, va rog frumos!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard




  • rode
  • met
  • went
  • said
  • bought
  • became
  • had
  • drank
  • saw
  • came
  • sat
  • was
  • ate
  • spent
  • paid



I. The day before Julie's birthday party

Yesterday Julie rode into the city center on her new bike. She met her friend Sarah at the station at 4 o'clock. From there they slowly went down the pedestrian zone to do some shopping.

After some time Sarah said: "I'm hungry. Let's go to McDonald's."

So they bought a hamburger and some chips. After that they became very thirsty. They had a coke, too. Julie also drank a cappuccino.

Suddenly they saw Lester Parker with his brother Sam. They came up to the girls' table. They sat down with them. Lester was very hungry. He ate three hamburgers, a cheeseburger and some chicken nuggets. Sam spent more than ten pounds at McDonald's. The girls paid only two pounds each.

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