Engleza, întrebare adresată de Marin392, 8 ani în urmă

Ma poate ajuta cineva? Vreau sa fie scris corect si sa contina cel putin 4-5 randuri. (55 PUNCTE)


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lisalili
When i’m sad, i often cheer myself up by listening to my favorite music. Painting also works for me, but i usually just go for a short walk. I think talking to a friend would help me too, though i’ve never tried it before.

Sper ca e corect. Succes!

aadryyy15: puteai sa zici "even though", but it sounds pretty good either way
lisalili: okay thanks
Marin392: deci unde pot modifica?
lisalili: La “ I think talking to a friend would help me too, though i’ve never tried it before” poți spune “Even though i’ve never tried it before, i think talking to a friend would help me too”
Răspuns de aadryyy15


Sometimes, when I feel sad or I don't have any motivation to do anything, I turn on the TV and listen to my favorite songs. It really helps. And I also start dancing and looking at myself in the mirror, because it makes me feel confident and it's really fun!


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