Engleza, întrebare adresată de maria1781, 8 ani în urmă

ma poate ajuta cnv? plsss,am mare nevoieee va rogggg multttt


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ovi50
1)Excuse me,I've lost my scarf.Has anybody found it?-How does it look like?-It,'s yellow with green flowers on it.-Yes, I've sen Mary giving it to the teacher.-Thank you so much.-Don't mention it.
2)I don't know where I've put my purse.-We found a brown one.-Oh,no,my purse is a plastic
purple one with a picture of The Beatles on it.
3)Has anybody found a pen?It seems I've lost it.-What's it like?-It's a black pen with a silver top.-This is your day.Here you are.-Thank you so much.-You're welcomed.
4)Excuse me,I've lost my diary.Has anybodyseen it?-What colour is it?-It's a red leather diary with a black strap.-Yes, we found it.Here it is.-You are the hero of the day.Thank you.
5)Excuse me,it seems I've lost my rucksack.Have you seen it?-And how does it look like?-It's a yellow and green nylon rucksck with names of football teams on it.-It's on that bench over there.-Oh, thank you.-It's a pleasure.

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