Engleza, întrebare adresată de Lungu16, 9 ani în urmă

Ma poate ajuta cnv plz.Urgent!
Treceti urmatoarele propozitii la diateza pasiva:

1. They will finish the work today.

2. He has found your bag.

3. I will invite my friend to a party.

4. Someone has found the missing child.

5. A specialist will repair my TV set.

6. His coworkers must do something for him.

7. People play football all over the world.

8. The noise frightened me.

9. They are building a new house round the corner.

10. They were building a new supermarket in that district last month, when I passed by.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de bleachplayer1
1. this work will be finished by the end of the day.
2. your bag has been found by him
3.my friend will be invited to the party by me
4. the missing child has been found by someone
5. my tv set will be repaired by a specialist
6. something must be done for him by his coworkers
7. football is being played all over the world
8. i've been frightened by the noise
9.around the corner a new house is being built by them
10. Last month when i was passing by a new suppermarket was being built in that district by them

bleachplayer1: posibil sa fie careva erori
Lungu16: Nu conteaza...Oricum mersii!
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