Engleza, întrebare adresată de H2DDo, 9 ani în urmă

ma poate ajuta si pe mine cineva cu exercitiul asta va rog:

5. Fill in the gaps with the Present Perfect or Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1.  In nineteenth-century England, people read (read) books called Penny Dreadfuls.
2. I _______ (read) comics when I was younger.
3. People around the world ________ (read) comics for over 100 years.
4. When I was little, I thought Superman really ________ (exist).
5. Batman ________ (be) my favourite comic character since I _________ (be) ten.
6 Herge first published Tintin in 1929. My granfather ________ (enjoy) this comic since them

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Simii
E ușor .

2. I rode comics when I was younger.
3. People around the world are reading comics for over 100 years.
4. When I was little , I thought Superman really exists.
5. Batman was my favourite comic character since i was ten .
6. Herge first published Tintin in 1929 . My grandfather enjoys this comic since then .
Răspuns de Kittii09
2.I read 3.have read 4.existed 5.had been ; was 6.had enjoyed
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