Engleza, întrebare adresată de didatugui, 9 ani în urmă

ma poate ajuta si pe mine cineva cu o compunere in engleza despre hobby-ul meu (imi place sa dansez )

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de angelica11
My Hobby

Since I was very young, I enjoyed a lot to dance. When I was hearing the music I always started to dance. At the beginning I wasn't so good, fact that some people told me that I am not a good dancer, and they cast me down.

Sometimes I was upset that people told me those things, but in time, I started to learn and practice a lot, a lot more than I did before, because I was looking at the others and I wanted to be like them, to dance next to the important ones.

And now, after a lot of work and a lot of practice, I started to be pretty good, and people tell me that. 
I consider the dance like being an art..It is just like singing or painting, but in dance you don't sing, you don't convey to people with your voice or with your lyrics, or like in art, you don't convey to people thru your paintings. In art you convey to people thru your body message, thru your moves and your soul that you put into that dance.

My biggest hobby that I have ever had is to dance, it is my skill, I put in my feelings and my soul for this, to show people, to send to people my thoughts, my feelings only in this way, thru dancing.

Sper sa fie cat mai buna, mate
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