Engleza, întrebare adresată de valiego88, 9 ani în urmă

Ma poate ajuta si pe mine cineva cu traducerea acestor fragmente din engleza in romana ? (FARA GOOGLE TRANSLATE)

1. On Christmas Day 1066 William , Duke of Normandy, was crowned King of England . He ordered at once the building of an earth-and-timber castle within the ancient Roman city walls. Ten years later this simple fort was turned into a massive palace-fortress. A great stone tower was built : the White Tower.
2. In ten years, Henry ||| 's son, Edward | , spnent twice as much on the Tower as his father had done during his entire reign. He made the Tower into one of the great castles of 13 th century England.
3. It was during the reign of the ruthless Henry V||| ( 1509-1547) that the Tower became Know above all as the chief prison of the state.
4. Whenever monarchs wanted to get rid of possible rivals to the throne, they sent them to the Tower and eventually put them to death. Such was the tragic fate of the infant nephews of Richard ||| ( 1483-1485 ) .

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
1. In ziua de Craciun a anului 1066, William, duce de Normandia, a fost incoronat rege al Angliei. A poruncit imediat sa se construiasca un castel din lut si barne in interiorul vechilor ziduri romane. Zece ani mai tarziu acest fort simplu a fost transformat intr-un masiv palat-fortareata. A fost construit un turn masiv de piatra: Turnul Alb.
2. Dupa 10 ani, fiul lui Henry al III-lea, Edward I-ul, a cheltuit de doua ori mai mult pe Turn decat cheltuise tatal sau in decursul intregii sale domnii. El a transformat Turnul in unul din marile castele ale secolului al XIII-lea din Anglia.
3. In timpul domniei nemilosului Henry al VIII-lea (1509-1547) Turnul a devenit cunoscut ca principala inchisoare din stat.
4. Ori de cate ori monarhii au vrut sa scape de posibili rivali la tron, i-au trimis in Turn si apoi i-au condamnat la moarte. Asa a fost si soarta nepotului minor al lui Richard al III-lea (1483-1485).

valiego88: Multumesc foarte mult !!
Geta1955: Cu mare drag
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